Visual stories


You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight!
27 Jan' 21

You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight!


Your eyes and brain work together to turn light into images. So anything that blocks light from passing through the cornea, lens, and vitreous humor can cause loss of vision i.e. blindness.

Three general causes for sudden loss of vision are:

  1. Clouding of normal eye structure
  2. Retinal abnormalities
  3. Abnormalities in the nerves that transmit visual signals

If your entire eye is affected by one of these, it may cause total blindness whereas partial vision loss occurs only when a part of your eye is affected.

Do you puff a lot? Then you might want to reconsider it.

Many people know that smoking is often has fatal effects on health causing heart diseases and cancers from prolonged use. But it is generally less known that smoking affects your vision. Continuous smoking can affect your eyesight with different disorders related to vision.

Find below some eye diseases and disorders associated with smoking:

Cataract – Smoking will decrease the supply of antioxidants to your eyes, doubling the chances of cloudy vision.

Macular degeneration – Smoking increases the risk of developing Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) by three-folds, affecting the retina of the eye and causing permanent loss of vision.

Dry eye syndrome – Smoking will change the tear film of your eyes causing chronic eye problems like redness, dryness, itchiness in the eyes leading to dry eye syndrome.

Diabetic retinopathy – If you have diabetes, then smoking can intensify the damage caused to the blood vessels in retina resulting in vision loss.

Glaucoma – Smoking damages the optic nerve in the eye.  It will further affect your eye with increased pressure leading to blindness.

Birth defects – If you are smoking while pregnant, it can cause facial defects in your baby by increasing the risk of having a lazy eye.

Uveitis – By smoking you can develop Uveitis which is an inflammation inside your eye. It will also lead to complications such as glaucoma, cataract, and retinal detachment.

Many risks of vision-threatening problems can be reduced by quitting smoking. So it’s never too late to quit smoking and experience a healthy and happy lifestyle. Contact a SafeCare Certified Eye Doctor who can detect and treat your eye conditions early to avoid further damages to your vision.


Orxheyweb says on 26 Jul, 2023 at 09:59 PM
You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight! orxheyweb aorxheyweb [url= ]uorxheyweb[/url]
Samuel Gowers says on 25 Apr, 2023 at 02:52 AM
Smoking should be killed what are some foods we should eat to improve eye sight
Jijibprrz says on 22 Jul, 2023 at 01:30 AM
You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight! jijibprrz ajijibprrz [url= ]ujijibprrz[/url]
Vemwfprc says on 15 Dec, 2022 at 12:09 PM
You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight! avemwfprc vemwfprc [url= ]uvemwfprc[/url]
Qptbcohvs says on 15 Apr, 2023 at 08:39 AM
You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight! [url= ]uqptbcohvs[/url] aqptbcohvs qptbcohvs
Rijddynith says on 12 Apr, 2023 at 10:14 PM
You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight! rijddynith [url= ]urijddynith[/url] arijddynith
Esmihxypji says on 07 Jul, 2023 at 02:35 AM
You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight! aesmihxypji esmihxypji [url= ]uesmihxypji[/url]

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