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Common skin woes and ways to tackle them!
27 Jan' 21

Common skin woes and ways to tackle them!


From sunburn to freckles and blotchy skin let’s see what’s happening and how to tackle these skin woes.

It would be nice if we all could go through life not having to worry about skin problems. But it turns out that once we hit our 30’s we are beset by a variety of aging skin problems. In addition to fine lines and wrinkles, sunburn, uneven skin tone, dry skin, and discoloration can add years to our complexion. Well, to be very honest, the skin conditions described here are any woman's deepest nightmare. 

Red, blotchy skin

Whether it’s due to excessive sun exposure, allergies or rosacea, red, blotchy skin can cause you a lot of embarrassment and distress. Fortunately, it is pretty harmless and easy to deal with. Never skip a daily dollop of sunscreen when you venture into the sun, avoid flushing as much as possible, cut back spicy foods and hot drinks, avoid stress, sleep better and build a very gentle, natural skin care routine! Aloe vera gel, coconut oil, yogurt, baking soda, cucumber juice and oatmeal mask can help to get rid of red, blotchy skin. Follow this and are sure to get a clear, calm complexion.

Sun damage

Sun damage is simply the way the sun negatively changes the look and color of your skin. Sunlight is made up of two types of rays that can be very damaging to your skin. The UVA causes age spots and skin discolorations. The UVB rays, on the other hand, are those that give you that painful sunburn. The best way to protect your skin is to avoid sun exposure when the sun is at its peak. Wear a sunscreen protection every time you go out in the sun. Lemon juice, castor oil, apple cider vinegar, tomato and yogurt paste, honey and lavender oil paste and aloe vera gel are some of the home remedies for healing your sun damaged skin.

Rough, dry, flaky skin patches

On the face can be the hardest to hide, and covering rough, dry, flaky skin patches up with makeup can only make it worse. Dry skin face appears dull, flaky and rough. So how can we combat dry patches on the face and achieve a healthy, radiant complexion? Here you go. Throw off harsh soaps and stick to mild, fragrance-free cleansers.  Use the right moisturizer that locks in moisture and helps relieve dryness. Opt for short showers in warm and not too hot water. Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Rubbing sesame oil, almond oil, olive oil, glycerin, milk cream, and yogurt are effective to combat dry, flaky skin condition.

Discolored skin

Does your skin look spotted with discoloration? Hormonal changes, sun exposure or genetics could be the culprit. Stay out of the sun, especially from 10 am to 4 pm.  If you happen to go out protect your skin from the sun by wearing a sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat.  Exfoliate with a cleanser that contains lactic or glycolic acid. Opt for a healthy diet that contains fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin E for removing skin pigmentation and discoloration. Natural homemade remedies like aloe vera gel, sandalwood powder, orange peel, apple cider vinegar and fuller’s earth can fade discolorations. 
Beauty is about being comfortable in one’s own skin, right? If you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, you can stop worrying about it today. Remember, how you treat your skin right now matters. It’s never too late to start good habits. The above discussed tips can help reverse the damage and make all the difference between looking your age and looking ageless.



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Ocujiwicuwika says on 23 Dec, 2021 at 08:02 PM
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